Heartwarming feedback

Ajay Tegala

We’ve received some heartwarming feedback this week from someone we respect greatly… we just had to share this with you...

Having enjoyed both books, wildlife presenter, broadcaster and writer, Ajay Tegala (@ajaytegala) kindly dropped us a message to say:

"I've had chance to have a proper look at both books today and I think they're great! I really love the beautiful illustrations and the joyful text - it reminds me of the books I enjoyed as a child, but with stronger environmental/conservation messages cleverly woven in… Congratulations!

I love the way that all of the clues are identified throughout the story in 'No Deer Around Here'. And I also noted that Charlie in 'Any Trout About' is gender-neutral as well as the endorsements by both the Wild Trout Trust and British Deer Society. Fantastic work MLB!”

Thanks Ajay. Really appreciated. We love your books too.


Winner of The Little Trekker Award